Oasis Activity Calendar
May 2024


*Virtual activities require an email address and use MS Teams platform*
*All activities are bilingual unless otherwise specified*


Monday 1:00pm to 3:30pm
Tuesday to Friday 9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 3:30pm*



Wednesday May 1
In person and virtual activity, yoga, stretching, 10:30am
Movie and popcorn, 1:15pm

Thursday May 2
Craft activity, 10:00am, sign-up
Yoga, Annex 421, 2:00pm, snacks to follow

Friday May 3
In person and virtual activity, meditation morning, 10:30am
Soup kitchen, 11:45am
Euchre, 1:30pm



Monday May 6
Center closed in the morning
Walk at the Complex, 1:30pm, meet at Oasis

Tuesday May 7
Technology time, 10:00am
Euchre afternoon, 1:30pm

Wednesday May 8
In person and virtual activity, mindful movements, 10:30am
Pictionnary, 1:30pm

Thursday May 9
In person and virtual activity, client meeting, 11:00am, lunch to follow, $5
In person and virtual activity, therapeutic colouring, 1:30pm

Friday May 10
Coffee and cards, 10:00am
Soup kitchen, 11:45pm
Mother's Day flower craft, 1:30pm




Monday May 13
Closed in the morning
Racket sport at the Complex, 1:30pm, sign-up

Tuesday May 14
Coffee and cards, 10:00am
In person and virtual activity, painting, 1:30pm

Wednesday May 15
In person and virtual activity, workout, 10:30am
Pool, 1:30pm

Thursday May 16
Trivia morning, 10:00am
Ice cream sundaes, 1:30pm, $3

Friday May 17
Virtual activity, virtual games, 10:00am
Bingo, 1:30pm




Monday May 20
Closed, Victoria Day

Tuesday May 21
In person and virtual activity, Scattergories, 10:00am
Games at Confederation Park, 1:30pm, meet at Oasis

Wednesday May 22
In person and virtual activity, mindful movements, 10:30am
Baking activity, 1:30pm, sign-up

Thursday May 23
Coffee and cards, 10:00am
Yoga, Annex 421, 2:00pm, snacks to follow

Friday May 24
In person and virtual activity, train your brain, 10:30am
Soup kitchen, 11:45am
Karaoke, 1:30pm




Monday May 27
Closed in the morning
Community walk, 1:30pm, meet at Oasis

Tuesday May 28
Coffee and cards, 10:00am
Open art activity, 1:30pm
BBQ supper, 5:00pm, $6

Wednesday May 29
In person and virtual activity, yoga, stretching, 10:30am
In person and virtual activity, creative journaling, 1:30pm

Thursday May 30
Art in the park, 10:30am at the Chenail
Yoga, Annex 421, 2:00pm, snacks to follow

Friday May 31
Open activity in the morning
Soup kitchen, 11:45am
Monthly birthday celebrations, 1:30pm


For registered CMHA Resource clients only
Some activities require signing up

Oasis center: 343-937-1164

Information: 613-933-5849
Caroline ext. 428
Gabriel ext. 410

Weather permitting on all outdoor activities
Activities are subject to change without notice